Thursday, October 2, 2008

What to do about pcos and acne

« ...In the next few years it is expected that incyclinide could be added to the menu of oral medications used to treat acne and acne rosacea. A modified tetracycline, it is currently in its second phase of clinical trials and it looks likely that it will provide another effective alternative to antibiotic treatments....
...In recent years, acne is being seen increasingly on the chests and backs of men who participate in vigorous athletic activities. Some observers speculate that sweating and friction causes the acne because the primary sites are most often under the clothing....»

«...Using anti bacterial products on the infected areas. People have had great success by applying anti bacterial creams on their acne. It helps tremendously in the battle against adult acne. So by changing your diet, exercising and applying proven anti bacterial creams, you are on your way to cure your acne for good....»
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tags: homeopathic acne remedies, allergy to food with acne on face, how to prevent acne with tea tree oil

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